Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Power Packed Foods the Top Ten

meat, salmon, grains, beans and fresh vegetables

We all know that the first step to a long, healthy and prosperous life is choosing the right foods. All foods are not created equal. Choosing and eating the right foods, has no other chose but to increase your life expectancy and the quality of your life. If you are going to live longer, you need to be healthy enough, so you can keep producing.

I have ten of the top power packed foods designed to give you energy, vitality and all around good health. At the bottom I will have a smoothie recipe, a power packed drink that can not do anything but help.

The Power Packed Foods

1. Acai
This berry is the fruit of a palm tree, which is native to Portuguese. The Acai berry is rich in antioxidants and increases your energy level, so demand for the fruit has increased. That is not a problem, it is now cultivate just for that purposes. You can find Acai juiced, supplements, and most probably powdered at your local health food store. But, if not I have two links one for powdered and one for juiced from Amazon.

by Navitas Naturals
Price Range: $27.54

by Now Foods
List Price: $19.99
Price Range: $11.99

2. Allium foods
This class of foods includes garlic, onions, leeks and shallots. Garlic is known for lowering cholesterol. Allium vegetables help guard the body against the risk of cancer and many other ailments. They also help lower blood pressure and prevent blood clots. Eating these power packed vegetables in their natural state especially garlic increases their health benefits.

3. Beans (For us Southerners that means peas also)
All kind of beans (pea also) are high in fiber and protein, plant protein, it is a whole lot better for us than animal protein. Putting bean fiber in your diet will help your digestive track. I have actually heard people say "they do not eat bean because it give them gas". I am sorry but, gas is a natural product of a healthy diet. My Grandmother put baking soda in beans while she was cooking them. She said it helps stop the gas. I do not know, if she was right. I was just a kid. It makes sense though.

4. Flax seed
Flax seed contain omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids. You get a power house with little tiny seed, which will help you fight high cholesterol, heart disease and diabetes. That is a lot of help from such a tiny seed. Ground flax seed can be added to fruit smoothies, sprinkled in yogurt, eaten with cereal or added to pancake mix. Those are just a few ways to use the seed. I know you will be able to think of more.

5. Fruit
peaches, strwberries, blueberries, grapes, and bananasFruit is slap filled with antioxidants, such as Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Lutein, Lycopene and Beta-carotene (changes to vitamin A in the body). Antioxidants fight free radical damage in our bodies, which helps reduce the risk of cancers. Berries (blueberries) and grapes have the highest levels of antioxidants. But you have to chose a array of fruit with a variety of colors, to do your body the most good. The antioxidants in fruit boost the immune system to fight the effects of aging. I have two more article on antioxidants you might want to check them out.

Related Post
The Power of Antioxidants for Staying Young
How to Easily Boost Antioxidant Levels

6. Nuts and Seeds
Nuts are high in essential fatty acids. That is the good kind of fat. The fat we need to stay healthy. Peanuts, almonds, Brazil nuts, walnuts and pistachios are all good sources of protein and essential fatty acids. Crush them into a fine powder and use them instead of bread crumbs. Nuts help to lower cholesterol. Eat them right out of the shell with no additives.

7. Oatmeal
Oatmeal has jumped in its popularity, because of its side effect, of lowing high cholesterol. Oatmeal is a filling grain that provides you, with much needed fiber and complex carbohydrate, which keeps hunger at bay and your blood sugar levels constant. I just take the old fashion oatmeal and cover the top, after its done, with ground cinnamon and honey. And I am good to go for quite a few hours.

8. Peppers
Peppers are colorful. They help supply us with antioxidant. Peppers range from sweet and mild to Oh! my God what have I bitten into. All peppers have a substance called capsaicin. Capsaicin has the properties of an anti-inflammatory, a pain reliever, lowers cancer risk and heart disease. They are good in salads, salsa and all sorts of dishes. They are even good fried (oops we are suppose to be talking healthy here).

9. Salmon
Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Eating foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids reduces your risk of heart disease and other conditions like atherosclerosis. Salmon is also high in proteins.

10. Yogurt
The fat free variety is good for you. Yogurt contains calcium, Vitamin B, and protein. If you don’t drink milk, yogurt is an alternative to get your calcium in, to build strong bones and teeth. Live yogurt also contains friendly bacteria to help promote a healthy digestive system.

Building a better healthier body begins with what you eat. Try these super foods to get started on the right foot. Now, I have bought the nutriBullet, that 600 watt 6 bladed mixer liquified everything put in it. And I use it ever day. So here is a smoothie recipe that will be nothing but beneficial.

Turmeric Smoothie

1 cup hemp or coconut milk
1/2 cup frozen pineapple or mango chunks
1 fresh banana
1 tablespoon coconut oil
1/2 teaspoon turmeric (can be increased to 1 tsp)
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ginger
1 teaspoon chia seeds
1 teaspoon maca (optional)

Add all ingredients into a blender and process until smooth.

This recipe is best consumed in the morning on an empty stomach. Not only will it increase your energy for the first half of the day, but it will clear your mind and infuse your body with some of the most powerful antioxidants in the world. Now that’s a great breakfast idea!

Power Packed Foods

Uploaded on Feb 25, 2011
a lesson on how to buy power packed foods

I thank you for stopping by my site Health Care Info 101 and reading my post "Power Packed Foods the Top Ten".
Thanks again and Y'all come back now.

Keep Smiling

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