Wednesday, February 4, 2015

The Power of Antioxidants for Staying Young

model of the antioidant
Model of the antioxidant metabolite glutathione. The yellow sphere is the redox-active sulfur atom that provides antioxidant activity, while the red, blue, white, and dark grey spheres represent oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, and carbon atoms, respectively.

Antioxidant Rich Foods With Every Meal

There is better way of maintaining that youthful look and healthy glow, without turning to the plastic surgeon's knife. Making peace with the aging process and keeping that healthy glow, is as simple as changing the types of food's we eat. God has put in a magical ingredient in certain foods and that magical ingredient is antioxidants, which gives you the power, for staying young.

Antioxidants, has shown its face on the pages of magazines, been wrote about in medical journals, and has become an additive in every product from hand creams to supplement. Now, I don't think that processed products, are as good for us as the natural forms.

Something You Can Try
The next time you or your youngin, (southern slang for child) gets sunburned, do not go to the drug store and buy a lotion with aloe vera (the burn plant) in it. You know from experience that the products does not work all that well. But, they are better than nothing. Instead, go to your local nursery and buy the plant. When you get it home, skin it and rub the slim all over the burn. You will see that the magical gift (the plant) will stop the pain instantly.

I believe, that we have all that we need, to solve all of our problems, we just have to be smart enough to Look, Listen and Learn.

Two Healthy Strong Aloe Vera Plants 8 Inches Tall with Strong Roots.

two aloe vera plants in pots

5 star rating banner4.3 out of 5 stars
With 69 Reviews

By Emeritus Gardens

Pots and soil shipped as shown. Not bare rooted. Emeritus Gardens Three page booklet on use and care is included. Two Free packets of organic plant food are included for each order.

Shipped safely wrapped in cellophane then with many layers of soft pink tissue. Aloes are delicate so we ship in a sturdy corrugated shipping box. Same day shipping and free Priority upgrade for every order.

Grown in Sunny Florida

Price Range: $11.50

What are Antioxidants

Antioxidants are substances that are capable of neutralizing the affects of free radicals, in the normal effects of the physiological process of oxidation in animal tissue. The body can not produce antioxidants, they have to be digested.

Antioxidants have to be digested because they are nutrients, vitamins, minerals and enzymes (proteins in our bodies that assist in chemical reactions). They are believed to play a role in preventing the development of chronic diseases, cancer, cataracts, heart disease, stroke, Alzheimer's and Rheumatoid arthritis.

I have been reading that all arthritis suffers all have one thing in common, they are boron deficient. I do not suffer from arthritis but, have known people that were totally crippled by Rheumatoid arthritis. And if it is a simple as a boron deficiency, that is a total shame. So here is a liquid boron. A liquid because they are absorbed quicker and easier by the body.

Trace Minerals Liquid Ionic Boron, 6mg, 2 oz

2oz blue bottle of boron

5 star rating banner4.5 out of 5 stars
With 81 Reviews

By Trace Minerals Research

Ionic Boron is a rich, concentrated liquid dietary supplement that provides boron in an ionic form-the form most widely recognized by the body. Our proprietary process ensures maximum absorption, while the balanced liquid form provides safety and flexibility.

Boron may support healthy bones and joints. Recent clinical studies indicate that boron interacts with calcium and magnesium to promote optimal bone metabolism, Evidence also suggests boron may support normal brain function.

Price Range: $10.35

Let us go back a little bit. The body continually repairs and replenishes its cells. Through the process called cellular metabolism, the body produces energy, and uses that energy for repairing damage cells and creating new ones. One of the by-products of cellular metabolism is the unstable molecules called free radicals

Free radicals are hungry and chemically active atoms or molecular fragments. They are hungry because their electrons are unbalanced. They either have to many or missing an electron. These little molecules are very active, in their quest to become stable they scavenge your body to grab or donate electrons. Thereby damaging cells, proteins and DNA.

The damage to our bodies can be visible or worst yet, invisible. The development of diseases and neurological deficiencies may develop as we age. Our skin will wrinkles and our bones will become more brittle. Our bodies are not the only source of free radicals, they are all around us. The sun produces them, they are in our polluted air, smoke and vehicle exhaust. But, they are not totally evil, they have a purpose, they help our white-blood cells fight bacteria and viruses. The Austrian government is doing extensive research on free radicals.

Antioxidants have been shown to be a great help in the free radical problem. Antioxidants combine with the free radicals and neutralize them. Scientists don’t have any idea of a recommended daily dose of antioxidants to correct free radical damage and the diseases that come with age, but they do know that eating foods rich in antioxidants makes a huge difference in how we live.

So, where do we find antioxidants? That is easy they are in the foods we eat. The more natural we eat the more antioxidant we get. Fruits and vegetables are the primary source of antioxidants.

food high in nutrition

Examples of antioxidants include:
* Vitamin C
* Vitamin A
* Vitamin E
* Lutein
* Lycopene
* Beta-carotene (changes to vitamin A in the body)

Certain minerals boost the immune system. Zinc and selenium are two examples. Nuts, legumes, cold water fish, seafood and red meat are also sources of antioxidants. We have to eat a varied diet, consisting of fruits and vegetables, nuts, beans, fish, seafood and meat.

Eating fruits and vegetables in their natural state, will not only give you antioxidants to fight the ageing process, will have a ton of vitamin, minerals and trace elements, so we can grow old gracefully. That is why I bought the nutriBullet, to give myself a helping hand, I should have started in my forty's or better yet, my thirty's. But, it is better late than never. It has been a month and has made a world of difference.

Antioxidant have to power to help us stay younger and healthier longer. Don't wait - start eating for your health, not just to stave off hunger.

But if you would rather take a supplement to get an extra boost in antioxidant I have one below that might fit the bill.

Jarrow Formulas Antioxidant Optimizer, 90 Tablets

bottle of jarrow antioxidant

5 star rating banner4.2 out of 5 stars
With 25 Reviews

By Jarrow

ANTIOXIDANTOPTIMIZER is an outstanding; synergistic blend of water and lipid soluble antioxidants; including: Lutein and Lycopene (Lyc-O-Mato) are prominent carotenoids; protecting eyes; cardiovascular system; breast; cervical; and other tissues and organs.

Gamma Tocopherol is a potent free radical scavenger that protects lipids; proteins and DNA. Powerful flavonoids from Green Tea Extract; Milk Thistle; Oleaselect Olive Fruit Extract; and LeucoSelect Grape Seed Extract provide antioxidant protection for the liver and cardiovascular system and promote good circulation and capillary integrity.

Price Range: $15.93

I thank you for stopping by my site Health Care Info 101 and reading my post "The Power of Antioxidants for Staying Young". If you want more information the video on youtube will have live links. I hate to see you go but, seek and you shall find.
Thanks again and Y'all come back now.

Keep Smiling

1 comment:

  1. Vegetables contain a lot of antioxidants that keeps us young. So the vegetables are the good friends of women.
