Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Building a Healthy Immune System

Immune System Organs are labeled

Building a healthy immune system

God in his infinite wisdom, has given us an immune system that does an excellent job at fighting all those nasty little germs, that want, to do us harm. However, do to many factors in our lives, our immune system can weaken. Giving those nasty little bugger an entry port. And they take full advantage, illness could soon follow.

The jury is still out on the debate as to whether or not lifestyle changes, vitamins and supplements will effectively boost the immune system. But, it took them till the late 90's to realize that Grandmaw's chicken soup actually helped the common cold. Positive lifestyle changes should have positive benefits.

I have found out that building a naturally healthy immune system is not difficult. There are quite a few things that can help. I have a few suggestions, implement as many as you can.

Things that Help Build a Healthy Immune System

The first thing to do when trying build up our immune system is to drink plenty of water. It is suggested that we consume no less than 2 liters (for us Americans that is one half gallon) of water each and every day.

Drinking plenty of water will no only help your immune system, it will help your liver break down the toxins that we intake, so that the kidneys can flush them out of our bodies. It will also help keep our skin flexible. A totally win win.

Now that we got our bodies hydrated, we need to increase the good bacteria, in our body, so it can combat the bad bacteria.

That is a whole lot easier than it sounds. Eating plenty of organic yogurt and kefir with live, active cultures will certainly help. New studies suggest that digging in your organically enriched garden soil will increase good bacteria and other healthy organisms that naturally boost your immune system. The vitamin D and the organic vegetables will be icing on the cake.

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You have to eat a well balanced diet. Our bodies needs healthy nutrition to fight off infections. A diet rich in healthy protein, complex carbohydrates and fresh, organic if possible, fruits and vegetables.

Protein is essential for cellular repair. You can get healthy protein from legumes (beans and peas - the poor man meat), the incredible-eatable egg, fish, poultry, and dairy products.

Most vegetables are filled with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. They also, in their raw state, contain the enzyme you need to digest them. To ensure that I get more from my food I bought the NutriBullet. It takes and totally liquefies the vegetables, fruits, nuts, and grains that I put in it. Ensuring that I get all that they have to offer. And after two weeks it has made a big difference. It is the best thing that I have bought for my health in many years.

Barberry, black walnut, cinnamon, clover, garlic, ginger root, oregano, thyme, and turmeric can potentially kill foreign germs in your immune system.

Acai, blueberry, cranberry, green tea, and pomegranate, are antioxidant rich sources.

Related Post How to Easily Boost Antioxidant Levels

This is something that might be impossible to do. You need to reduce or better yet totally eliminate your intake of processed sugar and coffee. Sugar is just empty calories, and interferes with enzyme activities. Use barley malt, dates, fruits, dried fruits, rice syrup, whole grains, or my favorite honey. (Raw honey is the best)
Caffeine is a diuretic

Sleep is the only time that your body can repair the damage that we do during the day. So, it is imperative that we get the restful sleep that our bodies need. Getting enough sleep will completely recharge our mind and body, improve our moods, balance our hormones, and clear our thinking. Those are a lot of benefits to miss out on to watch and old movie.

We have physical bodies that needs physical activity. It will make you feel better. So just get up and lets get physical. No matter how little you can do, just do.

When we get into a stressful situation our brain pumps hormones into our bodies. Mainly adrenaline and cortisol but, not limited to those. This is really important so let us go to Mayoclinic.org and see what they have to say.

When you encounter a perceived threat — a large dog barks at you during your morning walk, for instance — your hypothalamus, a tiny region at the base of your brain, sets off an alarm system in your body. Through a combination of nerve and hormonal signals, this system prompts your adrenal glands, located atop your kidneys, to release a surge of hormones, including adrenaline and cortisol.

Adrenaline increases your heart rate, elevates your blood pressure and boosts energy supplies. Cortisol, the primary stress hormone, increases sugars (glucose) in the bloodstream, enhances your brain's use of glucose and increases the availability of substances that repair tissues.

Cortisol also curbs functions that would be non-essential or detrimental in a fight-or-flight situation. It alters immune system responses and suppresses the digestive system, the reproductive system and growth processes. This complex natural alarm system also communicates with regions of your brain that control mood, motivation and fear.

As you can see this is important. And you have to find out what will work for you. I personally use mindfulness meditation (listening to God) and prayer (talking to God). Here are a few suggestions learn anger management, exercise, and think positively. Connect with loved ones or nature or your spiritual practice. Get a pet. Breathing exercises (there are plenty if you search under yoga).

Those are only a few things that can work, find out what will work for you and do it.

Personal Hygiene
Wash your hands regularly. Clean hands are important in protecting your body from germs. Wash for 20 seconds with warm water and soap. Rinse well. Keep your home clean. Make sure the air you are breathing is good quality. Get rid of mold and dust.

Detoxify your liver. Several times a year, do a liver detox, to filter out toxic substances in the blood.

Related Post Good Food for a Healthy Liver

Our immune system is our main force for fighting those nasty little germ that want to take control and make our life a little more miserable. We can help our immune system by keeping it healthy, detoxed and maintained by living healthy natural lifestyle.

With a healthy immune system our life should be longer and more productive.

I thank you for stopping by my site Health Care Info 101 and reading my post "Building a Healthy Immune System". With the immune system being so important in maintain a healthy life, it is important to try and keep it healthy.
Thanks again and Y'all come back now.

Keep Smiling


  1. Thank you for taking the time to comment. I went to your site. I am glad that you have comments on your blog page.
    Hopefully we can Keep Smiling for many years to come

  2. Thanks for sharing those tips, they indeed are reasonable ones to follow. Building a healthy immune system is quite an important thing. By the way, for the study of immunology, this site might be of help.
