Friday, February 13, 2015

Stress Reduction Classical Music is a Stress Relief Tool

classical music being played

Classical music as a stress reduction tool. Music is vibrations, the monks have known for hundreds of years that certain sounds (vibrations) would produce deeper meditation levels. Brainwave entrainment is different sound frequencies delivered to each ear at the same time.

I was reading how classical music would increase the intelligent level of your kids (not your baby goats but your children)

Music is a essential part of many peoples lives. It can do wonders for our mind and bodies. Classical music is one style of music that works to calm the savage beast in all of us.

What is so special about music, you say?? Listening to it can turn our frowns up-side-down. Music is made up of strings and strings of notes put together in certain arrangements to produce a melodious sound. That sound can be loud and it can be soft, but it will always evoke a response from ya.

Music has long been used in therapy as a way to help people overcome a variety of conditions. You can use music to change your mood or help you to relax after a hard day.

a filled royal opera house

In all of our lives when we hear certain songs they will conjure up memories. These memories can be good or bad. If the music brings good memories keep listening. But, if they bring bad memories, it might be time to change the type of music you listen to. Changing your music type might help your outlook and put the past behind you. It is worth a try.

So, how does music help the average person? Our brain operates on a variety of wavelengths. Music can sync those brainwaves with its rhythm. Pretty soon, that soothing beat is going through your head. Your heart rate lowers as does your blood pressure. Your mood, if sour or fearful, may improve.

Classical music is unique unto itself, the composers is free to express his emotions without the interference of words. Leaving the mind free to interpret the music as it will.

When we get stressed , listening to classical music can be use as a source of stress relief. Soft music can help our entire body slow down and relax. Choosing classical music with an upbeat tempo can brighten our mood, bringing clarity to our minds in the midst of stress.

Haven't you sung a baby to sleep? Classical music, like the Brahm's Lullaby can so relax the mind that it brings on sleep. When you are stressed, chances are you will have trouble falling asleep. Listening to some soft classical music might just let you drift off into Alice's Wonderland,and maybe just sleep though the night.

Here is Brahms' Lullaby there is four hours of it, just listen for a while, notice how you start to relax. It works.

☆ 4 HOURS ☆ Best Version of Brahms Lullaby for Babies - Music for Babies - Lullaby for Children (Video)

Best version of Brahms Lullaby for Babies with Relaxing Sound of Rain in 4 Hour Loop. Your baby will fall asleep immediately.

What is a lullaby?
A lullaby is a soft and soothing song usually sung to an infant or small child. Many have repetitive lyrics. But lullabies are much more than a baby song to go to sleep.

They is an intimate connection between the singer and the baby. Lullaby music or songs let the baby know that all is well, that there is someone there to care for them, and that they can sleep. They are reassurance of security and a wonderful way to signal that it is now time to sleep or be calm.

In other words, they are a form of communication that sends a message much more than the simple song itself. They are expressions of love and security that are understood long before the words have meaning to the infant.

One of the best thing about music, now a days, is that it is so portable. You can carry hundreds of songs in a little tiny device. So, any time that you need a little pick-me-up, or to settle down some, you can have it, right at your disposal.

Classical music does not discriminate, it will work for you even if you are young, or as old as dirt. Your mind can interpret the sounds that it hears in any number of ways that helps you reach a state of calmness, free of stress. You breathe deeper as you internalize each note.

Music is just one tool that you can use to manage stress in your life. Classical music is a good choice when you want to unwind and be carried off to another place.

link to real mind power secrets
Some of the other chooses are meditation, which takes way to much time to learn. But, of course, you can use brainwave entrainment to help you learn how to change gears in your mind. It sure has helped me. Then meditation is made a little easier.

Below I have embedded a track of entrainment that picks me up, and gets me going. It is only 15 minutes long.

A Million Blessings: Miss Magikal

NEW - 20 Cool Music, Meditation and Mind Power Gifts for Free including Miss Magikal mp3

A Million Blessings contains uplifting songs from the soulful Miss Magikal and is mixed with positive brainwave entrainment for good energy and high vibrations.

Headphones not required.

Youtube is a good place to look for and listen to Classical music that you can use as a tool to relieve stress, they also have guided meditations, and brainwave entrainment. What ever you find that works it is important to relieve that vicious silent killer called stress.

Or you can go here and get a free mp3
link to real mind power secrets

Thank you for stopping by and reading my post "Stress Reduction Classical Music is a Stress Relief Tool". With the classical music, Miss Magikal entrainment and the link to a program that I used in 2010 to help me with my addictions. (It took a while to give up something that I loved since I was 14. Thank God, Brainwave Entrainment, Meditation, prayer and the fact that I did not want my liver to shut-down.) You can learn how to control your stress and change the gears of your mind.
Thanks again and Y'all come back now.

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