Sunday, February 8, 2015

A Longer Life Starts with a Healthy Liver

show the internal organs of the human body

The liver it is something most of us do not think about. Yet the liver function is affected by everything we eat and drink. Living an unhealthy lifestyle makes the liver work twice as hard to keep the body clean.

The second largest organ in our body; it is the organ that processes and purifies our blood, metabolizes proteins and stores essential minerals and vitamins. It removes harmful bacteria found in our bloodstream. If there is a problem with the liver then the other organs are impacted as well.

While you may not have your liver function tested until you see a problem, there are ways to tell if your liver is working properly. Dark circles under your eyes and sallow skin means the liver is not working at its peak. Stick out your tongue. Is there a yellowish coating on it? Are you arthritic or irritable? Are you having trouble digesting fatty foods? These may be signs that your liver needs some attention.

When your liver is not healthy, you may have an increased risk for obesity, cardiovascular disease, digestive problems, allergies, chronic fatigue, headaches, and even some PMS symptoms.

There are several detox remedies that can help clean the liver but you can do it naturally by adding certain foods to your diet.

A few foods that will naturally clean your liver.

grapefruit will naturally clean your liver
It helps flush the liver of carcinogens and toxins. The vitamin C and antioxidant properties of grapefruit can also help boost the immune system. Slice it, peel it or drink it, it does not matter how you do it, consider adding grapefruit to your weekly meal plan.

Allicin and selenium aid in cleansing the liver and are naturally found in garlic. In addition, garlic helps the liver flush toxins by activating certain enzymes. Try adding a clove of garlic to chili, spaghetti sauce, and casseroles.

Green Tea:
It not only tastes good, green tea contains antioxidants that improve liver function. Consider having a glass or two a day to help boost your liver function.

by Bigelow Tea
Price: $19.60

Beets & Carrots:
Packed with beta-carotene and plant-flavonoids, they help stimulate liver function. It does not take much to make a difference so add a few extras to a salad, soup or other favorite dish.

by Synergy Organics
List Price: $33.90
Price: $28.95

Leafy Greens:
Great in salads, chicory, spinach, dandelion greens, and other greens help neutralize the metals, pesticides, and chemicals found in some foods. These leafy greens are great on sandwiches, in pitas, on pizza and so much more.

In order for the liver to work properly, it needs glutathione - a compound that avocados can help the body produce. Make fresh guacamole, add slices of avocado to a salad, or sandwich to give your liver a boost.

create natural enzymes that aid in flushing out toxins and carcinogens

Broccoli, Cabbage, Cauliflower and other cruciferous vegetables:
These delicious vegetables help create natural enzymes that aid in flushing out toxins and carcinogens in the body. Steamed veggies, coleslaw, sauerkraut, and soups are great ways to add these veggies to your diet.

Citrus Fruits:
Lemons, limes and other citrus fruits contain a bounty of Vitamin C which helps break down toxins and aids in digestion. Kick start your liver each morning by drinking a glass of cold water and eating a piece of citrus fruit.

This little spice helps stimulate the production of bile and other enzymes that jump start the liver. Add a bit of turmeric to your next batch of soup, stew, casserole, chili or any side dish.

by Starwest Botanicals
Price: $10.96

Packed with arginine, glutathione and omega-3 fatty acids walnuts aid the liver in removing ammonia from the body. Eat them plain; add them to salads and other side dishes for a wallop of goodness.

Other Helpful Tips for the Liver

In addition to eating the above foods, there are many other things you can do to improve the health of your liver. Let us take a look at a few.

Avoid consuming large quantities of alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, sugar and sugar substitutes, as well as salt. These are hard on the liver.

Add some low-impact exercise to your daily routine. These can be as simple as taking the stairs instead of an elevator or walking the dog once or twice a day.

Drink plenty of water, at least 2 liters a day. Reduce the amount of tea, soda and other sugary drinks you consume.

 Brussels sprouts are good at cleaning the blood

Eat plenty of whole foods including cabbage, Brussels sprouts, and soy bean products. Herbs like Echinacea, milk thistle or dandelion root are good at cleaning the blood.

Antibiotics and antacids should be avoided except when absolutely necessary.

Relax, laugh, and have fun. Consider adding relaxation and meditation exercises to your day to relieve stress and anxiety.

Taking care of our liver is not something we think about every day. But by living a healthy, natural lifestyle we can help keep it working at its peak. A healthy liver can mean a longer, more fulfilling life.

by Gaia Herbs
Price: $18.84

by Naturenetics
Price: $33.99

by Starwest Botanicals
Price: $16.00

Doctor Sandra Cabot - 1 hour Love your Liver presentation

Spend an hour with The Liver Doctor, Sandra Cabot MD, while she explains how your liver works and how best to maintain a healthy liver and even reverse some liver diseases. Learn why your liver health is so important and how some simple changes in your diet can greatly improve your health and increase longevity.

This one hour long presentation is your personal consultation right in your own home. Learn why successfully treating various forms of hepatitis with drugs alone can be so difficult and how, with nutritional medicine, your chances of avoiding liver disease are much higher.
Love your liver and live longer !

Thank you for stopping by and reading my post "A Longer Life Starts With a Healthy Liver". I hope that you listened to the video. It is not easy finding a MD that practices holistic medicine.
Thanks again and Y'all come back now.

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