Sunday, April 26, 2015

What Is the Cause of High Blood Pressure?

beating heart

If you’ve been diagnosed with it, you’re probably wondering what is the cause of high blood pressure? There’s no one cause for this disorder. There are several factors that can lead to it and you’ll need to evaluate which ones apply to you.

First, if you’re overweight or obese this can lead to the development of high blood pressure. It’s important to get as close to your ideal weight as possible. When you have more weight to carry around, your body is put under extra stress.

Alcohol use can also contribute to high blood pressure. While having a drink or two will not cause problems, but more than that can lead to problems. It’s best to drink moderately if you choose to drink at all.

Your consumption of salt can also cause blood pressure to rise. If you have high blood pressure, it’s important to subscribe to a low sodium diet in order to help lower it. When you start watching your sodium intake, you’ll be surprised at how much salt is found in foods.

(Concerning salt consumption, they are beginning to believe that it does not affect your blood pressure as much as previously thought. Studies have shown that a salt deficient diet is worst for you. They really don't know, so take this and all information that you find with a grain of salt.)

It’s also known that smoking and using other tobacco products can cause your blood pressure levels to rise. Nicotine is the drug in tobacco products and it can cause your heart rate to become elevated as well as your blood pressure.

Things to help your blood pressure

Smoking is generally bad for heart health and if you have a problem with high blood pressure, the best thing you can do is stop smoking as soon as possible. You’ll begin to reduce your risk of heart disease immediately.

help to quit smoking

If you are like me and smoked for 42 years, giving it up is not easy. But, I have stopped smoking cigarettes. I now use the itazte MVP, I go through 50 Ml every 21 to 25 days. That has made my addiction cost me a dollar a day. Every three months I have to buy another chamber, around $15.00. So it actually cost me more than a dollar a day. I would have linked to amazon but, they have discontinued the sale of the itazte MVP. Good luck.

If you lead a stressful lifestyle, it can also lead to high blood pressure. It’s important to manage stress as much as possible. Whenever possible, look for ways to reduce the things that cause your stress. But no matter how much you reduce stress it’s impossible to completely eliminate it.

That makes it critical that you learn how to manage the stress you do have. Meditation is one way you can lower stress levels. You can also use exercise and enjoying hobbies to take your mind off of the things in life that are causing you to feel stress.

For stress control I use brainwave entrainment and meditation. BWE taught me how to change gears in my mind. Just paying attention to your breath will take to long for me. So, BWE helped me a lot. In more way than this article covers. I have a link to one source of free brainwave entrainment, on the left.

I do have some entrainment that I have the right to sell. I just can not give it away free. I can use it to build my mailing list. So if you sign up for my list, then reply to the email (there is a link at the bottom) I will set up the page so you can get some BWE. Then I will email you the password. Only if you asked.

You also need to factor in family history. People who have a family history of high blood pressure and heart disease are often going to have to deal with it in their own lives. This genetic predisposition may make it difficult to lower blood pressure without medication – even with a healthy lifestyle.

While there are many things you can do with lifestyle choices, some people have high blood pressure without being able to pinpoint the cause. Understanding what is the cause of high blood pressure can help you to lower it through lifestyle changes or lead you down the road of medication.

What Affects Blood Pressure - The Cause Of Essential Hypertension

This video offers details about what affects blood pressure and causes essential hypertension - the type of hypertension that occurs in 95 percent of those with high blood pressure. The goal of the video is to answer the questions "What is the cause of high blood pressure?" and "How do you get high blood pressure?"

Medical experts are still not completely sure what can cause high blood pressure, but the risk factors are clearly established. Those risk factors are listed in this video, as are the most common signs and symptoms.

This video is intended to provide basic information about abnormal blood pressure causes - especially unhealthy lifestyle choices that can result in problems with your circulatory system in particular and your health in general. It is not intended for use by medical professionals.

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